Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Summer.  A time of hot weather, short shorts, poolside drinks with friends, cookouts, volleyball, drives with the windows down, and camping.  Beautiful summer.  Well, as a mom, I have traded in most of those things for other things.  Crazy, busy summer.  As time goes by and inevitably,  I get older, my perspectives change.  My thoughts change.  My thanks change.  Some may look at my days of summer and think it is the most boring thing in the world.  Who would want to trade in the poolside drinks with friends and running around doing what you want, when you want?  Well...I do.  I love it.  In life, I have found that my true happiness comes when making others happy.  It comes when I see my little ones running around screaming,  begging for just 5 more minutes of fun.  Today, I watched them playing in the sun, having juice boxes "poolside" with friends, playing an impromptu game of soccer in the backyard, eating hotdogs for lunch, driving to the park with their hands stretched out the sunroof, and then finally camping out on a pallet in the living room.  And at the end of the day they say, "Thanks, Mom!  We had so much fun today!"  Summer.  Beautiful summer.  

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