Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Am I too busy?

Being a small businesses owner, mom of three, and wife, who is also involved in my kids' school, a member of the local art council, weekly church volunteer, about to be soccer coach, friend, assistant, sister, daughter, daughter in law, aunt and all around hustler, also whatever other title you would like to give me (please exclude profanity lol), is told she is too busy.  What do you do?  How does that make you feel?  I am sure many women can relate.  How do you know if you are too busy? 

Well, I have thought a lot about this lately.  Am I spending too much time on my business, too little time on myself, too little time with my kids, too little time with my husband, too much time with my community?  How do I know?  How do I know for sure?  And I came up with these things.  Am I happy?  Is my hustle outdoing my growth?  Is my family happy?  Yep, nope, yep!

I don't just enjoy my family and love them, I live for them.  They are my everything, but I am also pretty pleased with who I have grown up to be.  I feel like I am a pretty well put together person.  I have an opinion, that I can express.  I have compassion for others.  I give to those in need.  I pursue my goals (of course my jeans size could be smaller, but we can't be perfect huh? ;-)  All in all, I am happy. 

My business is growing.  I actually pulled together some statistics and my small company has grown about 8 fold in the last year.  That is super exciting!  It allows me to stay at home with my kids and be the mom to them that I want to be.  But, it does take work and lots of it.  It take lots of coffee (sometimes wine) and late nights.  And I am okay with that.

And as far as my family, I simply asked them.  And a mom can always tell who is being honest.  My annual progress report, if you will.  Am I a good mom?  Are you happy?  Do you know I love you?  What is something fun we can do together?  As long as I feel like they are happy and I know I am doing the best I can, then that's okay.  

It is hard to be a woman.  Society tells you that you need to be thin, but it's okay to be a little "curvy".  That you need to be successful and live your dreams, but spend every waking moment with your family.  You need to be polite and quiet, but make sure that you speak up and don't let anyone take advantage of you.  You will never be able to live up to society's standards as a woman or a mom. Well, screw that.  I am proud of myself.  I am going to make myself happy, love my family and do what is best for us.  It may not work for everyone and I may be tired and busy.  But you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Here is to you and your dreams!  Cheers!  (It's a wine night, not coffee)


  1. You're an awesome caregiver for my little man too and I appreciate you!

    1. lol I forgot babysitter! How could I forget that??? I love him to pieces! Crazy and all!

  2. You Rock! I thank God for you coming along when you did at the Art Centre!

    1. I love it so much! Not only what we do, but the people! You all are the best!

  3. You Rock! I thank God for you coming along when you did at the Art Centre!

    1. You are beautiful, talented and have a wonderful sense of humor, creativity and ability to stop and let others know you care. You're a lot like your mom in that way. And I'm not biased at all just because I'm an aunt. Lol. You should be very proud of who you have grown to be as a woman and a mom.

    2. Thank you Danielle <3 That is so sweet!
