Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Local Indianapolis Artist: Kevin J. Wilson

I had the pleasure of speaking with Kevin J. Wilson, a local artist here in Indy.  He shared with me his thoughts on art in today's society, and how life effects his work and the work of other's.  Kevin graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design, and majored in Illustration with a double minor.  He is currently the Graphic Design Department Head at International Business College.  Kevin has recently had his work featured at The Indiana State Fair and was featured at September's First Friday.

What piece did you have displayed at The State Fair?  Tell us a bit about it.
The piece I had at the Indiana State Fair was jazz musician 
Cathy Morris.  It was created by using oil on canvas. 
I remember the first time I heard her play I was struck
by her emotion, and that's what I wanted to capture.
When I posted that piece to my Facebook page,
I received more "likes" on it than any other piece 
of art I've ever posted.
How do you balance teaching and creating, and does teaching influence your work? 
Balancing teaching with creating can be a challenge.
They are both demanding, but if you don't create,
you're not as effective as an instructor.  You also 
get better as you teach and inspire your students.
If you desire to be a good teacher, it will keep you growing
as an artist.

What role do you feel the artist plays to society? 
An artist influences every aspect of society.  Art is a "healer."
Imagine our world without graphics, advertising, fine art,
textile design, etc.
What are your thoughts on the art scene in Indy?
The Indy art scene has grown and progressed immensely 
in the past 30 years.  There are plenty of shows and exhibitions,
you just have to get involved.  We still need to educate buyers 
on "why" a piece may cost what is does, and artists need to 
be educated on being "business people."

What type of art do you do?

One of the greatest influences on my art was Norman Rockwell.
He painted everyday people in everyday places and told a story.
I love portraits and figurative art, but I also like drawing and painting
Where do your ideas and inspiration come from?
Again, I'm really inspired by people.  My daughters have told me, on
more than one occasion, that I've never met a strange, and that I
can talk with everyone.  I believe everyone has a story to tell,
the question is, do we have time to listen?  I also receive a lot of 
inspiration from the Bible.  It's my hope that my artwork will lift
someone and inspire them to a greater level of living.
Tell us a little about your family.

I'm a single dad with two teenage girls….14 and 16.  And, yes...
they are talented in art and music.  My mother could draw extremely
well, although she never pursued it as a career.  My older brother 
also attended the Rhode Island School of Design and was a Senior 
when I was a Freshman.


What themes do you pursue in your art?
I create work relative to what is going on in society and things 
that I am interested in.  I also create based on the "lift"
or inspiration that I believe society needs.  Most of the 
pieces being shown were individually created and not part 
of a particular series, but I hope they can lift and inspire 
people in a positive way.

In what positive ways has social media impacted your work?

The greatest thing about social media is how many people
you can now worldwide.  It has definitely made the 
World much smaller and brought more things within our reach.

Where do you create?
I've had my studio in my home for years.
I like the tax write off for home/office deduction,
and it keeps me close to my family.

How do feel your art has developed over the past 10 years?

In the past 10 years, my technique has definitely
gotten stronger.  In terms of subject matter for competitions,
it seems like I've developed a better "eye" for what will,
and will not be accepted.  However, I've never met an 
artist who has been guaranteed admission to every 
exhibition he or she has wanted.


Where can we see your work?

At the present time, my work can be seen at the 
Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce Building.

320 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis.

You can also view my work online.
Where can we find you on social media?
I'm also in the process of creating a new webpage.  


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